Friday, March 27, 2020

WGET for Windows - Download Video From JWplayer

WGET offers a set of commands that allow you to download anything from files and web pages all the way through to entire websites.

Any site that uses JwPlayer doesn't allow videos to be downloaded through the usual means.

How to download from :

  • Install wget for windows to C:\GnuWin32
  • In the folder bin where there is wget.exe, press shift and right click and then select "Open command window here".
  • To check if the WGET is run, type command wget --helpand hit ENTER, you’ll see a help file appear with all of the available commands.
  • Now go to the website your video is and get the video url by right clicking it and choosing "copy video location". If you can't right click the video view the page source and try to find the video url
  • type in cmd:

wget -c --header="Referer:[site link]" "[video link]"

  • So if you want to download a video from website, it would look like this:

wget -c --header="Referer:" ""

  • Make sure to include the http:// even if the site url doesn't have it and don't use it on the video url.
  • After this the video should download, and resume download even if it stops a few times, wget will start automatically from the place it stopped..
  • After it finished downloads, change the extension if necessary to match the video, usually it's an mp4.